Unfortunately, many Americans are already behind on building their nest eggs. Particularly concerning is the average retirement savings of adults in their forties. Ideally, by that age, most people have had…
As a female in a heavily male-dominated industry, I am always excited to see the impact we can make as a group by supporting and empowering one another. By building…
Currently, women are earning an average of $11,000 less than their male counterparts – with the gender wage gap only increasing as we age. If we want to eliminate that…
Gender diversity in the workplace has always been a hot button issue among the media and public. Arguments for more female participation in the workplace and in senior positions are…
We have all heard the statistics that the cost of college is going up rapidly. In fact, it’s reported that the average cost of a four-year private college education is…
Despite our busy families and careers, my girlfriends and I often gather for dinner or lunches where we share updates about our careers, families and children. Recently, I attended a…
Every year, Earth Day is celebrated around the world by millions of supporters dedicated to protecting the environment. In the last few years, many have expressed increased interest in sustainable…
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